Public Library Section Executive Committee
President: vacant
Vice President: Valarie Lamoreaux, Deputy State Librarian, State Library of Kansas
Secretary: Marley Killgore, Assistant Branch Manager at Johnson County Library - Corinth
President: vacant
Vice President: Valarie Lamoreaux, Deputy State Librarian, State Library of Kansas
Secretary: Marley Killgore, Assistant Branch Manager at Johnson County Library - Corinth
The Public Library Section of KLA chose the above logo to represent Kansas public librarians. The honeybee displays the same innate tendencies of Kansas librarians. Bees are social, they communicate quality information to each other to ensure pollination of vital plants in the ecosystem. That describes Kansas librarians sharing information and ideas to improve the Kansas library community.
- honeybee is a state symbol
- honeycomb is a callback to the sunflower, the state flower, which is part of the Kansas Library Association logo